Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Unnoticed Victim


Has ANYone considered the victim in the male homosexual encounter? For whatever reason a person decides that it's OK to have something rammed into their rectum repeatedly, it is still victimization. I have talked to individuals that have shared their knowledge of how what was originally a sexual assault became the norm. How do you bend your mind around a hurtful sexual assault in order to make it OK that it ever happened, and then, furthermore, to become that very thing? I can understand how that our first sexual experience, pleasant or not can become a point of arousal, but PEOPLE...come on! This behavior has severe consequences to the individual. The men Mr 'Shawn' (last name unknown) described in the attached video as attacking gays in Russia are no different than the men involved in a homosexual act, who victimize and subjugate their 'partner' on a regular basis. If it were a heterosexual activity, (which is often the case as well) where a man were subjugating the woman, what an outcry there would be, (and has been!). There is no difference as far as that goes. But, what about the entire subject of victimizing children? To the point of trying to make it 'normal'? How often do you hear of a child, sometimes just an infant, being the sexual subject of such perverse minds? A global pedophile ring was just uncovered recently, wherein many of the victims of sexual perversions were little children. Some actually born for that very purpose. WAKE UP!! Anything that allows unchecked passion, regardless of what it is, needs to be suspect. Unchecked passion results in murder, rape, torture, and defamation. Just because an individual claims he or she was 'born that way' should not be a license to do what ever they want. For instance, a thief can say that they are predisposed to theft, or a liar to lying. Does that make it OK? or do we insist as a society that they curb such desires? What is different here? Should a person who says that they are predisposed to murder be allowed free rein? Sexual arousal is perhaps the strongest of passions. Once inflamed, a person will do many things they wouldn't do otherwise. Like any drug, inhibitions are muted. Do we want people inflamed by ANY passion roaming the streets where we live? Everyone in a society should be expected to live decently and in order. We may tolerate alot as individuals, but as a society not so much. Yes, individuals make up society, but those that are sworn to defend our liberty need to understand that they do not act as individuals, but as defenders of those who elected them to that post. They need to be wise; sadly, wisdom is no longer valued, and sometimes I wonder if it is even attainable given the present state of the Nation. But, my point is that not only is the 'female' part of a male homosexual encounter a victim, but so are we as a society, when we are required to view them as normal. We are ALL being bent over!
Here is another article regarding this issue: http://www.endtimeheadlines.net/days-of-lot-apple-approves-homosexual-meetup-app-for-users-as-young-as-12/ just found today.
Again - 1/2/14 - http://www.wnd.com/2014/01/pedophilia-the-next-sexual-rights-revolution/

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