Listening to the Keiser Report on RT news,, I wanted to address anyone who will listen.
We hear about what the banks are doing, what the Obama administration is doing, and we wonder if these people are just plain they even have a clue about the fall out of their decisions. The answer is, from my own research, that yes, they do know. They are NOT stupid, they know exactly what they are doing. While intelligent people around the world rush to offer the benefit of their expertise, in order to provide a fix, no fix will ever apply until it serves to benefit the offenders themselves.
They not only know what they are doing, they are deliberately working to undermine the current stability of the world. The cascade of events following in the wake of their decisions is exactly what they intended to happen. It sounds so ludicrous that no one wants to believe it. But we need to realize that these people are intelligent...they consider themselves to be elite. Their ways are'far above our ways'.We are the vulgar masses in this newest feudal system. Don't sit around scratching your head, you're wasting your time. Look and see. It's right in front of your eyes.
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