Hosea 4:6
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee...seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children."
The question as to whether or not a child can decide to end his own life is being considered in the Netherlands. What! Yes, watching the 'news' this morning I was treated to this headline.
The simple fact that a child, by virtue of the very definition, is incapable of making life decisions because he does not have the experience, the knowledge, or the understanding born of both to make a life decision has been lost on us. You can always point to examples of children that had to make such a decision, for various reasons. Every now and then you hear of a child calling 911 because a parent is having a heart attack or a stroke being lauded in the news as heroic. What if a child, being a child, doesn't know to make such a call and finds out later in life that his inability to do so has resulted in the death of a loved one? Won't most people agree that he shouldn't be made to feel like the death was his fault? Why? Because he was a child at the time. Yet, we see children being targeted as sexual partners, marriage partners, business associates, etc... And expected to make life decisions much too early in life. Current society actually encourages our youth to engage in adult behavior. What is sexual behavior? You wouldn't try to mate a puppy with an adult dog. The puppy is sexually immature. That would be senseless, and if possible, it would be cruel. But, we have NAMBLA and the ACLU fighting for 'adults attracted to minors', (that's how they put it). We have public schools promoting a 'sex education' that includes pornographic videos (to include child porn), passing around silicone breasts and testicles as part of cancer education, making children look at images of sexual intercourse and other sex acts all in co-ed classrooms. Did I miss something? Do young people need to be encouraged to have sex? I guess the big business enterprises that profit from it want to be sure they get their money. Because, there is a lot of money to be made from children having sex. Did we forget as a race, the human race, that genetic material is not a toy? But, we play with it. Taking a chance every time that a child won't be conceived, or that we won't get an STD. And, if we do get pregnant with an 'unplanned' child, well, we'll just abort it. Or, if it's born alive, kill it, unless we happen to want our own flesh and blood. Either way, the doctor, the hospital, and the pharmaceutical companies get their money. If an STD is contracted, its off to the doctor again, and all of the above still collect, don't they? And, guess what else? The government gets its cut from all that money too, exacting a tax from one and all. And the slope keeps getting slipperier. When little girls are sold into marriage in India, and in Iraq, or in Afghanistan....people just look the other way. If they are asked to explain, that poor family needed her dowry. Our country is also impacted by this mindset when you consider that child marriage is actually encouraged in the Muslim community. Read what the Quaran has to say about girl orphans; note how that orphans, in general, are never mentioned, nor are male orphans. These ideas are becoming mainstream in our ignorance and in the name of tolerance. When children are targeted in this country as sex objects, we are told that such behavior is normal. When fifteen year olds have children in the inner city, we just help them with an apartment and food, and 'education'. You can be sure that in another fifteen years, there will be another 'crop'. So much for the education. Generations of youth with no answers. Generations with no link to reality, no understanding of how things work; things like marriage, family, work, caring for things, growing things. Understanding where food comes from and how the world works to share with their offspring. You know...the basics. The building blocks of society. I'm not saying that such information is not available in society, (you can Google it), but I am saying that the normal way of learning such lessons should be in a family setting. So, now we let the children decide whether life is worth living? Has anyone considered any of this from the child's perspective? The one who is supposed to be protected, nurtured, and loved while he is maturing. While his parents teach him about how life works. While he is being prepared to handle the stresses of adulthood. While he discovers the answers about right and wrong, and why. So that, as an adult, he can be productive, successful, raise a family, provide for that family, be a part of a whole society busy doing the same things. We've been turned inside out, and instead of the few individuals on the fringes who are the uneducated, unwashed, and ignorant, those individuals on the fringes of society now, are the ones I just described as prepared, functional adults. So, while our society is now made up of children, while they fight amoungst themselves with no adult supervision, the elite are setting up to bring us under control. Have we gone too far? Personal opinion...I think so. Not because it can't be turned around, but because very few see the problem and recognize the need. Without a vision the people perish, and our people are perishing for lack of knowledge.
01/17/14 - Now it's in the US...http://endtimeheadlines.wordpress.com/2014/01/17/judge-rules-doctors-allowed-to-help-you-die/
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