Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Demons Manifesting as Alien Extraterrestrials


If you listen to this video, please be aware...a search for "tall whites" (TW) leads to the page, 'Charles Hall and the Tall Whites' who makes a connection between the TW and the Sumerian deities, the Anunnaki, "They are not the famous "Anunnaki." In fact they long ago lost a war against the Anunnaki for the mastery of this system", which leads me to believe that we are talking about manifestations of demons here. Wikipedia - "... the term Anunnakku (Anuna) was later used to refer to the gods of the underworld." Mark 13:22, "For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect." Don't believe the extraterrestrial bull...Ephesians 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." and Colossians 1:16, "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him".

False Prophets

Hebrews 5:14, "But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil."

Jeremiah 23:16-32, "16 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord.

17 They say still unto them that despise me, The Lord hath said, Ye shall have peace; and they say unto every one that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, No evil shall come upon you.

18 For who hath stood in the counsel of the Lord, and hath perceived and heard his word? who hath marked his word, and heard it?

19 Behold, a whirlwind of the Lord is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked.

20 The anger of the Lord shall not return, until he have executed, and till he have performed the thoughts of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly.

21 I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.

22 But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.

23 Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off?

24 Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord.

25 I have heard what the prophets said, that prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed.

26 How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart;

27 Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal.

28 The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the Lord.

29 Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?

30 Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that steal my words every one from his neighbour.

31 Behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that use their tongues, and say, He saith.

32 Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the Lord, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the Lord."

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Mockery

Trinity Broadcasting Network came to my attention a few months ago, when it's founder, Paul Crouch died on November 30, 2013. I came across a video wherein a 'prophetess' was rebuking Paul Crouch, Jr.(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_ZXdrrg8b8&feature=youtu.be). I wouldn't ordinarily just say someone is, or isn't, a prophet...I watched it in order to see what this woman had to say, but what caught my attention was that the man currently serving as the Director of Project Development for The Word Network, and best known for his long association with the Trinity Broadcasting Network, the man she was rebuking, has no grasp of the Word of God. None! This is shocking! The person at the helm of these huge organizations supposedly designed to reach the world with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the LOGOS...the WORD made flesh, does not know the Scripture. What???!!! Last night I came upon the newest iteration of this organization "The Holy Land Experience" in Orlando, Fl. Apparently, this theme park is a mock up of all of the most popular imagery of Christendom, where you can see it all happen, just the way that the producers imagine it did. Mock up = Mockery people! Our Lord Jesus warned against the leaven of the Sadducees and the Pharisees...that state of mind wherein one thinks himself to be all that. Mat 16:11-12, "How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees? Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees". The Pharisees and Sadducees were all about the show. They loved to pray on the street corners, wearing their long robes. They loved the chief seats at the Synagogue, they loved to anoint their heads with oil and put on a long face when they fasted, so that everybody would know and understand, that they were the religious elite, the religious rulers whom all should revere. Mat 23:1-8, "Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, Saying The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do notFor they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi. But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren." Jesus did not put on a show. He often told those He touched NOT to tell anyone about it. When he raised the dead He did it behind closed doors. He didn't go around lifting up Himself, instead He humbled Himself, (Matthew 8:4, Matthew 16:20, Matthew 17:9, Mark 7:36, Mark 8:30, Mark 9:9, Luke 5:14). Especially egregious is the Communion show at this 'park'. Paul said that "...he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. FOR THIS CAUSE many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep," (1 Cor 11:29-30). MANY sleep. This word is from the Strong's Concordance #G2837 and means DIE. So much is wrong with this disgraceful display! Yet, that is not to say that God does not use it. He uses everything! When Paul was in prison he wrote that there were those who "indeed preach(ed) Christ even of envy and strife...not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to (his) bonds....". Paul was thankful anyway, that the gospel was preached, (Phil 1:15-18). But, just because God is able to use burnt toast, do we then offer Him burnt toast? Hebrews 5:11-14, "...we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil." This verse describes the people behind the Theme Park as well as those who go there, who are content with the superficial, who do not realize the power of the Word of God, 2 Tim 3:5, "...having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof...". Many, many are being deceived. The 'faithful' who sit in church year after year, who can regurgitate what the preacher has said and who dearly believe it, but who have never searched the Scriptures for themselves, or relied on the strong arm of God, but only on the platitudes and second-hand information that they recite amongst themselves. They know ABOUT God, they believe what they've been told ABOUT God, they heap up teachers, having itching ears, but they do not know HIM. They are apt to follow anyone whose speech falls within their 'zone', but they cannot discern the Spirit of God. Many preachers and teachers are presumptuous believing that they are obeying God, and run to do His 'will' when they have not heard from Him. They will not WAIT on Him. They lean to their own understanding and they totally miss Him.
LOOK at the parable of the 10 virgins, Mat 25:1-12, "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not". The five foolish virgins are without oil in their lamps, (Romans 8:9, "Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his", 1 Sam 16:13 shows how that the Holy Spirit is likened to oil). So, instead of going to God, who alone can give the gift of the Holy Spirit, they went to those who sell. Who sells the spirit?? TBN for one? and they were shut out.
LOOK at the Scriptures wherein we stand at the Judgment. 2 Timothy 4:1-4, "I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom...For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables". So many in that day will say these words, "Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?" They THOUGHT they had done God's will; but the righteous said, 'when did we do that?' One was for show, the other was without thought for the show, but only for the person. 
Acts 17:11
"These were more noble...in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so". Amen.
**Here is a video that I came upon today speaking to the same subject...if I could delete the commercials I would, but it is worth listening to! http://www.wnd.com/2013/12/could-this-be-the-great-end-times-deception/