Monday, November 18, 2013

Not even a Nod

It's become quite clear that no matter how loud you yell, no one wants to listen. No matter what the problem, the danger, or the consequences, no one wants to hear. There is the exception, of course, the one where you yell Fire. Rape doesn't even work anymore. I feel like I am talking to the wind. So many things are happening in our USA and in the world...yet people are not only oblivious, but willfully blind. Maybe blissfully blind. God help us.
He spoke to the churches in the final book of the Bible. He praised them, reproved them, rewarded them, and warned them. And then He said, "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches".
There you go. Only some have ears to hear.
It gets to me sometimes. Bang the door! Sound the trumpets! But, no one even nods in that direction.

Get Ready for the Ride!

Pretty shocking videos to see happening in the USA...
We have left our first love as a Nation; we left the door open for liars and thieves while we entertained ourselves, made ourselves delusional with illegal drugs, sated ourselves with illicit sex, and grabbed everything the government could pass out. Now, is it too late for our country? I think it is, because the Age of Grace is ending, and God is preparing to pour out His wrath on America and the world. Get ready for the ride.