Consider all of the commentaries written about it...just the commentaries. If you or I wrote a commentary on the Scriptures (which seems an absurd task just for the enormity of the work), someone, somewhere would be able to add to what was said there. Even if what we wrote was entirely accurate someone would be able to see something more, because that's the way God intended it to be. There's ALWAYS more! His Word is personal, living, apropos, up to date, currently applicable, and therefore unable to be bound. Yet, this is exactly what has happened. We divvied up the commentary of great men of God, and great scholars and bound ourselves to their point of view, which although largely accurate in most cases, is still woefully inadequate. When we limit our understanding to a particular doctrinal view, we necessarily limit God, who cannot be, and is not ever limited. We, therefore succeed in limiting only ourselves.
God has brilliantly provided us with a Book that is able communicate His heart to us as individuals, and yet at the same time to His Corporate Body. It's small enough to be manageable, while it is also limitless and unfathomable in it's ability to teach us everything we need to know about life and godliness. His Word has an obvious Author, Who maintains a continuity of thought over thousands of years. Sixty six books, written by forty men, moved by the Holy Spirit, enable the reader to explore the height, the depth, the width, and the breadth of the mind of God.
The Scriptures illustrate God's mind and purposes in the Old Testament lives of real people, and the New Testament is the explanation of what those pictures mean. From beginning to end God speaks one message of Love. It is the Story of how God made flesh and blood into a glorious spiritual Bride for Himself. It is the story of what He desired to do, how He desired to do it, the people He used to bring about His desire, our own inability to help, the mediation of the Lord Jesus, the empowerment and transformation by the Holy Spirit to do the work, and the future glory of His purpose and intent for His Bride at His second Coming. When the disciples were asked if they would also leave the Lord, they answered, "to whom could we go? Thou alone hast the Words of eternal life". Our Lord is the Word made flesh. He has magnified His Word above His Name! How we need to attend to it and let it transform us…nothing else will do.
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