Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The End Times from Matthew's Gospel

Thinking about the 10 virgins, I decided to look at the Scriptures again. In doing so, I had to go back into the previous chapter (Mat 24), to where Jesus started answering questions from his disciples about the 'end of the world'. I found out quite a lot and wish to share it with you, because we 'pick up' ideas along the Way. The Lord speaks in a progression, and there are layers of like things happening as the Time get shorter. He starts from a wide perspective talking about what will happen in the world, false Christs, wars, famines, epidemics, and earthquakes, then He tightens up the view to talk about a more personal experience, where Christians are 'delivered up' to be afflicted, killed and hated, and then He gets even more personal by talking about many becoming offended, betrayals, hate, false prophets (or teachers), and that the love of many will become cold. All these things have already happened. I have links to lists of people claiming to be Christ, lists of wars, famines, epidemics and earthquakes which are really eye-opening. Summarizing further...He talks about 'the beginning of sorrows', enduring to the end, the Gospel being preached to all Nations and then the End shall come. All this in verses 3-14. Daniel 12 also throws light on these words, referring to how it was in the days of Noah. Then in verses 16-20, we land in the middle of the Tribulation period, and shoot forward to the Lord's second coming and how that's going to look. All the tribes of the Earth will they will see Him for sure! And it's summed up with a dramatic depiction of lightening, sun and moon darkening, stars falling, and the powers of heaven being shaken. He says in verses 32-34 that when we see 'all these things' know it is near, and that the generation (he repeats) seeing 'all these things' will not pass until 'all these things' be fulfilled. That's us. No man knows the day nor the hour of these things. Heaven and Earth will pass away, but His Words will not pass away!
Then there's a big BUT. Matthew 24:37, "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be". The conversation changes and He begins to talk about something else that needs to be discussed. They didn't understand until it was too late, in the days of Noah. Then He talks about 2 in the field, one taken the other left...2 grinding at the mill, one taken the other left. and tells us to WATCH. On the one hand, He is described as coming in glory, and on the other hand, as a thief in the night. He says if you knew when the thief planned to come, you'd be ready.
I know this is long, but this is so important! He describes being ready. Mat 24:45-51. He will come suddenly for those who are READY. Continuing in Chapter 25, He tells the parable of the 10 virgins. Now, we've gone from looking at the world as a whole, to looking at those in the world that claim to be His own. They all went out (from the world/hence they were 'virgins') to meet the Bridegroom. The wise had OIL, and the foolish did not have OIL. Major point. The Holy Spirit is often compared with OIL. The Scriptures say, Romans 8:9, "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his'. You must have OIL. If you need oil, you must ask God for it, asking others for it will not do. Mat 25: 8-9, " And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves". While they were trying to get oil, the Bridegroom came, and the Door was shut. The Lord expects us to be READY. The next verses are the Parable of the Talents. All were given talents (money as an investment, not talent like singing). Two were profitable, and one just hid the money. The Lord expects us to be PROFITABLE servants. The Lord ended His teaching by describing the Judgment Seat. He gathers all Nations. He separates His sheep, from the goats. He reveals their hearts, and He pronounces judgment. We will all stand before Him. We need to be real. We need to understand. Daniel 12:10, "Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand". Hosea 14:9, "Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein".

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