Saturday, August 1, 2015
A Way to get Clean
For the most part, I have avoided listening to the news media recently because it's so terrible. But, my husband sometimes shares some of it with me. I am so troubled this morning about a program we saw last night, that I feel compelled to shout. The whole world lies in darkness. I sincerely wonder if there is any true wisdom left. When anyone speaks about anything that bucks up against the current philosophy they are immediately labeled as some type of kook. How's that working for you? We, as a Nation, have embarked on a course that has swept us out to a roaring sea of filth and shame. As adults, we have encouraged our youth to 'be themselves', be 'all they can be', 'open their minds', without the benefit of solid direction, or true understanding of what we have done to them. Maybe we think we have sufficiently edited what they will see and hear, but in reality we have opened the door to the world wherein filters are easily deleted. How are they supposed to know what is good or bad? How could they even imagine the consequences of the life choices they are making without the benefit of adult supervision? Most parents, I would think, would like to protect their children. I'm sure that they don't want them to become victims of addiction, disease, or crime, but cautioning them verbally, while encouraging them to 'explore' at the same time will ultimately put them in harm's way. One of the news videos we watched last night finally began to expose the dangers children are facing when they have to move and live in a society that is drenched with pornography and drugs. They 'explore', they taste, and find out too late that the consequences are beyond anything they could have possibly imagined. Consequences that will color the rest of their lives and the lives of their children as well. The video followed two teens that came from upper middle-class families. The parents had no idea about what their kids were involved in. They were, unknowingly, financially supporting kids that had become addicted to heroin, living their lives only for the next fix. A young girl answered questions about pornography in school and about her experience of its effects on the lives of both the boys and girls. She described her own experiences and how confused and upset she was at first. Our children are being destroyed! The only reason that a program like this aired is because it has become too much of a problem to be ignored. To me, that means too late. How can anyone go about protecting their kids from these things? They are everywhere. Children access porn even by mistake, they accept a drug they think is harmless only to find out they were deceived, and it's too late. What I want to get across is that there is an answer. It's been rejected by this Nation. But, it remains as the only answer. The Blood of Jesus was spilled for what should have been my punishment and yours. I deserve death for my behavior. We can sit back and explain ourselves, we can make ourselves the exception, we can sooth ourselves, but what about the people we hurt? Nothing we do can change what we've done and how it has affected them. Nothing can make it better. But, when God Himself provides an answer, and says that it makes you clean in His eyes, then you are clean indeed, because He is the final Judge.
Most of the reason that this Nation has rejected Christ, is because, in my opinion, that the Word of God has been misused, misunderstood, maligned, watered down, and/or exchanged for another 'gospel'. The Scriptures explain themselves, they interpret themselves, and they remain. We can kick, scream, throw a fit, refuse it, cover our ears, etc... but, what God says does not change, nor does He defend it. As He Is, It IS. One of the things it says is that if you haven't heard from Him, you need to keep your mouth shut. Too many people are in the pulpit preaching a doctrine, an idea, a philosophy, having never heard from Him. The people in the pews blindly follow, and after awhile, there is no truth in what is being touted as the Word of God. Another thing that the Scriptures say, is that you don't need anyone to teach you, but that the Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you into all truth. We don't need to lean on our own understanding, but to acknowledge Him in all our ways, and He will direct our paths. The Bereans were more noble in that they listened to the preaching of the Word, and then they went home and searched the Scriptures as to weather those things were true. We need to become students of the Word. Search the Word, go back into the original languages...the tools are available on-line, and are also in print, such as the Strong's Concordance. English is a horrible language for its ambiguity. The New Testament was written in Greek, because it is such an explicit language. For example, when we translate the verse in 1 Corinthians as 'love is patient', it pales in comparison with what is actually meant, that love, after suffering a long time, is kind. That love believes all things, and then it hopes all things, and then, it bears what it finds to be true after all, and it's still kind! Without faith it's impossible to please God, and faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Not a nod in its direction, but receiving its authority.
It's been a long time now, since this Nation embarked on it's current path...since we threw away the Word of God and substituted 'our own reality'. Look where we are. Look at the murders, the atrocities, the predation, the corruption, the lies, the shootings, the lost, confused population embracing and defending the very ideas and behaviors that are killing them. "Men love darkness, rather than Light, because their deeds are evil". Wake up America! Judgement is coming. God will not suffer this madness forever. There is an appointed time for His intervention and it will come. We all know it. It's been trumpeted on the internet for years now. What will happen when circumstances strip us from all our pleasures? Will you know how to live? Will you know what to think? Will you know how to help others that are suffering?
The Scriptures say again that 'if a man believes in his heart the Lord Jesus, and confesses with his mouth that God has raised Him from the dead, he will be born again'. It's that simple to receive a new life in the eyes of God. Jesus said, "I am the Door that leadeth unto life, no man comes to the Father, but by Me". When you decide to call upon God, He will be there to help you and He will honor His Word as you obey Him by faith and look to Him for guidance. Many questions remain, but it takes a lifetime to learn any subject in depth...I have prayed for you that your faith fail not.
If you are interested in references for the above quotes, the site will allow you to search by phrase or individual words, and you will learn a lot more by seeing their context and what else the Scriptures have to say. God bless each one who longs to be clean and calls upon the only Savior.
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